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by ana sofia santos


A Calvin Klein faz história

Campanha protagonizada por uma modelo negra, plus-size e transsexual



Foi uma honra e um prazer mostrar o meu autêntico eu nas imagens presentes num corpo que, muitas vezes, foi demonizado, assediado, que quiseram fazer parecer feio, indigno e até morto”, escreveu Jari Jones nas redes sociais.

O outdoor Calvin Klein está em Manhattan, Nova Iorque, e faz parte da iniciativa "Pride 2020" Calvin Klein, que integra vários modelos LGBTQ+ (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais).

Infelizmente, a própria Jari, utilizou as redes sociais para denunciar as criticas que recebeu... pessoas que só mostram valentia quando "protegidas" por um ecrã.


Ver esta publicação no Instagram

REVEALING THE UGLY : Learning today that though this ride will be such a blessing from the universe , god and the ancestors , there are things and people, miserable behind computer and phones screens that will try to suck out every ounce of joy I have left in my body. It comes with the territory I guess. It comes with showing the world that Black folks, that Trans folks , that Fat folks can be celebrated and loved and empowered publicly. I’m practicing self love everyday , I’m practicing boundaries everyday , I’m practicing balance everyday to armor myself for this fight but I know it’s gonna be a tough road ahead but like my queer trans ancestors belived, the people and the community and the youth I’m doing all this for ....are worth the mental ass kicking!!!!! Today I pull from the strength of @alokvmenon @huntythelion @tessholliday @luhshawnay @andrejworldwide @watchshayslay @ihartericka @aaron___philip @fatfemme and all of those who hold my heart strings , that have gone through mental and maybe sometimes physical ass kickings, but stayed resilient , so that I could reach this point today. Thank you for your words that are holding me today. Thank you for your words that are wiping the blood off my lip today. Thank you for your words that are allowing me to smile through the punches. Thank you for your words that remind me that we are worth it. . . #translivesmatter #blacklivesmatter . . #transgender #trans #blacklivesmatter #diversity #marginalized #thisisamerica #freedom #blacklivesmatter #bodydiversity #effyourbeautystandards #curvemodel #influencer #visiblyplussize #plussize #plusmodel ##plussizemodel #bodypositive #transmodel #revolution #liberation #newyork #editorialphotography #editorial #photography

Uma publicação partilhada por Jari Jones (@iamjarijones) a

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